S How to Press Flowers | Some Little Good

How to Press Flowers


“I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday
sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.”

- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

 As the leaves begin to change, and the light fades away, I've been collecting as many flowers as I can before this year's summer blooms fade away completely. So, I thought I'd take you along with me, and show you how I press flowers!


Heavy Book
Parchment paper

When pressing flowers, I usually pick them fresh or use flowers that are just beginning to wilt.

I cut a sheet of parchment paper to the measurements of whatever book I have on hand (a ruler and pencil are quite handy for this step).

I try to use books that I don’t mind staining the insides of, like my trusty Webster Dictionary. While the parchment usually keeps the flowers from leaving stains, mishaps are bound to happen on occasions, and it’s better not to run the risk of marring the pages of a book of sentimental value.

After I lay the parchment across the pages of the open book, I begin to lay my flowers across half of the parchment. I try to space my flowers so they aren’t touching, that way as they dry they won't end up sticking together.

Once I have my flowers placed accordingly, I close my book, folding the other side of the parchment paper over and sandwiching my flowers. I give the book a firm press and then put a few large books on top of it to help keep my flower-pressing-book closed.

This step is optional, but I like to write down the names of the flowers I pressed and what date I pressed them in a small notebook. 

And that's it! 

 I usually let them sit for about 4-6 weeks. And sometimes, I re-discover them many months later - summer's treasures  hidden away within the pages of a book!

Do you enjoy pressing flowers?
What's your favorite flower to press?


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